Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Silly Little Sheep

Its funny how sheep tend to mindlessly wander away from their Shepard. It all starts with a few steps in the wrong direction, just over to that green patch of grass. From there, they see another patch of green lush grass just a few steps further. And from there another, and another, until they finally realize that they are lost. And no matter how many times that a sheep will go astray, the Shepard will always search for it, and bring the sheep back.

We are no different from sheep. We stray from the path just a little, to that patch of green grass, for that short term satisfaction. Then we get carried away, and we become lost. We, like that sheep, get so lost in the short term satisfactions and gains, that we fail to realize that the Shepard is leading us to the field with the greenest pastures.

I am thankful that my Shepard never stops calling out for me, and always brings me back.


Matt said...

Very true, very true. But answer me this...when we do wonder "from green patch to green patch" how do we know that it is not the shepherd that is letting us go in that direction because that is where is wants up to end up??

josher said...

Good point, but if that is were we are meant to be, then we are not straying, the shepard never just lets us go, he is always around. . .we are being led and guided.

Matt said...

That is what I wanted to here! Very good grasshopper!! LOL Thanks, keep up the blogging, I really makes me think!!