Sunday, August 23, 2009

You overflow our hearts, like tears in our eyes!

Our souls listen, whisper to us.
We close our eyes and hear the silence fade.
Hopes, and dreams, we long for your embrace. . .

Spirit, rain on us with joy.
Fan the fire wild in our hearts.
Make us holy instruments, use us as you please.
Authority and power through your gifts selflessly given. . .

Hands lifted high, praise to the father.
Jesus in our hearts, send us to our knees.
Blanket Us with Love, oh Spirit fall on us. . .

Crying for The Kingdom, Lord let it come!
Let us be your hands and feet, Lord let your will be done!
The one pure truth, over a thousand lies!
You overflow our hearts, like tears in our eyes!

I don't know why i wrote this, just came to me. . .


Christian said...

spoken word...

Def JAm here you come!

super ill brother.

Matt said...

Very cool. Let it flow bro!!